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*♫*Love is the flag flown high from the castle of my heart...*♫* Student; Blogger; Young Entrepreneur

Saturday, January 2, 2010


"Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established, believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper." [2 Chronicles 20:20]
I never enter a new year till the cloud of the HolySpirit has moved into it. Therefore, with joy did I triumphantly gambol into the year of the Greater Light as soon as the man of God, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome, declared it so [somewhere around 5:58PM EST]. You may wonder how it is possible to enter a new year before 12:01AM; well, the opening quoted scripture says why. Also, because God operates in eternity. Really, God doesn’t enter 2010; we do. As such, it is in my favor (and interest) to enter when He says so.

Christians around the world may have varied tags (for absence of a better word) for the New Year. But, one thing is common to all of us – we all enter it in God! But, for all my fellow citizens of the Believers’ LoveWorld nation, it is the year of the Greater Light. The New Year’s message, as taken from Genesis 1:14-19 and 2 Peter 1:16-19 (amongst other scriptures) by the man of God, revealed God’s mind concerning us. How that God desires for us to live in Zion where there is no night (darkness). Those in darkness (sickness, disease, and discouragement) were encouraged to find their ways back into Zion where it is always Day. And, for those of us who already live in Zion, he encouraged us to remain there (bringing others in) and enjoy greater glory.

Two striking parts of the message for me were:

  • In 2010, those who dwell in Zion will not know night.
  • When something [negative] happens, say “there’s a greater light!”

Fellow citizens of the BLW nation, please share your favorite words, moments, and prayers as a comment below for all of us to be blessed by. Christians from other ministries, please also share with us the blessings from your New Year’s message; I would love to hear them.

Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

P.S: If the year does not seem new, accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life; He makes all things new [Rev. 21:5]. 


  1. WOW! I love This! Its greater Light all the way! Deji, thanks for putting this up...inFact, the transcript of the new year Message can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=243344744232&id=507890033&ref=mf

  2. Oh boy!!!
    What wonderful words of Prophesy to start the best year yet on...as you've rightly said "I never enter a new year till the cloud of the HolySpirit has moved into it." ...the Holy Spirit has brooded on those words its left to every individual to mold what he or she wants out of this year of The Greater light!!!

  3. Well said brother!...spot on!..its really up to us now to do our bit...Revelation is the key!....Understanding is quintessential...Success has been demystified...2010 is our year...

    p.s- deji, still anticipating the subject we discussed...

  4. Awesome words Deji. Truly God does dwell in eternity and has set eternity in our hearts so it's never too late to connect to his purpose for the year. And his purpose is for us to subdue the earth and be fruitful. With light comes fruitfulness, with fruitfulness comes harvest. What a rhema. Shine on!

  5. @ CeeJay: you're welcome...it's indeed greater light all the way for us - no night!

    @ Abimbola: and, we are sure gonna mold the most glorious year yet!

    @ Victor: thanks...about the topic we mentioned, "all in good time."

    @ Wilhemina: We are fruitful in all we do, GLORY to God!

    @ Everyone: Please, keep sharing and telling about the blog....God bless you!

  6. Wow!!! This is simply awesome.........

  7. I love! I love!! I Love!!!....How great to have people like you to help start this year strong as the spirit has instructed. It's indeed a year of THE GREATER LIGHT!!!!....I just cant stop saying that...Wow...A year to reign from Zion(that was a clear instruction from the Spirit). He said reign from no other place than Zion...Don't settle for "good", go for the best...the world thinks they have seen it all???Well,think again!!! The Sons of God are on the match...nothing like it!!!!

    For Whoever might be reading, the spirit has laid a few things in my heart that I want to share.

    First, at the Communion service with Pastor Chris yesterday 3rd Jan'10...Pastor in all indication kept hitting the point that we should keep reigning from the "Greater Light"...never for a sec walk outta Zion...U can do that by letting in on the wrong infos...there are everywhere-the news daily, financial reports and off course our "I-pods"(guard them jealously against songs with wrong infos u have no biz listening to).

    This year, take that conscious step to keep growing spiritually; move from one level of faith to another...take a review periodically....monitor your giving and make sure you grow in giving cuz that's one way to move up...you are never lesser than what you give...catapult to new levels with your act of faith in giving...and watch yourself grow.
    Set out a cause that u must follow...make a effective steps to move from the level you are in to another...I wanna share some tin personal right here..

    I currently just moved spiritually to a totally new level after I gave one of my biggest offerings ever(i refuse to disclose), but right there after the sowing,it was clear that not only will 2010 be more prosperous than I can ever imagine,nothing will be too big for me to give out for the sake of the Gospel...how big then will I be, I rhetorically asked!!!
    Giving is a great spiritual exercise you should never neglect...this type of giving defiles world's renowned success teachings but it assures untouchable success..."Store up your riches where moth wont eat them"...words of Jesus!!!

    Keep your eyes on the word...let it literally become your mirror every morning and thru the day....Increase your hunger for the word...make sure you do this,for its what the spirit commands, he says "there are some many information out there, but only my words gives life,go for it"...for that is the only Food we know in Zion....don't give it up for nothing...Want more Plsss...

    There is also this one thing we will need, at the just concluded IPPC, Pastor started one of the sessions by admonishing the saints to learn the importance of challenges...Don't cower when they come...U need them to stretch your faith muscles...and to go higher...In his words, he said "The more the winds blows, the higher you will fly"...Challenges make you great....In 2010, no matter that challenges, they will be nothing but propellers to greater heights for you in Jesus name, Amen.

    Finally, in 2010...I want you that know that the fact that you have the greater light means you have a higher knowledge so the "gimme gimme" prayers are so gone...Let the idea that as a born-again Christian, your life is settled forever...Its time you start to win for others...Let there be a burn for a greater level of Soul winning, let your lives revolve around it...Pastor calls it tactical and cutting-edge Christianity;more Christian blogs, more preaching everywhere...Look out for that chance to talk about Jesus Christ...People indeed need this life we live.

    P.S. You are responsible for his body as he is for yours...Pastor Chris.

    Dee sorry I turned this into my own blogspace

  8. @ Ernest: I read all of it. WOW! That IS awesome! Don't worry about the length; I believe it was necessary in conveying the message. God bless u!

    [Bring in more, people].

  9. very very huge,awesome am so blessed n touched ernest i dont knw you but i paise god for you may He enligted you from glory to glory success to success God bless you
    @ayodeji,thks u for sharing us this word God bless you the bible say,...manifestation of sons of God(full grown,mature)and keep going in this way God will promote you in the higher level!!!


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