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Friday, May 14, 2010

One Vision, No Division!!!

the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such” [John 4:23]
After weeks of prayerful preparation, the students of Morgan State University converged at an approximate midpoint of their school’s campus for the sole purpose of giving the Father just what He deserves and requires. Several minutes before the time “True Worship: One Voice, No Division” was slated to start, students could already be seen braving the downpour as they made their ways to the University Chapel. By 6:38PM, tens of students were gathered together to prepare their hearts for the presence and power of God they were expecting from their 7:30PM meeting, through heartfelt prayers and worship. “True Worship”, a program organized by several different fellowships on Morgan State’s campus, was designed to unify the body of Christ on the campus and cause God’s glory to fill the campus [2 Chronicles 5:11-14].

Amidst much excitement and claps of joy, Bisola Karim, an industrial engineering student of Morgan State University, started off the much expected program of events. Through her introductory words, students were stirred up and even more readied for God’s power, glory, and grace as prophesied about the program a night before. In the course of the beginning stages of what would be more than “a night to remember” for many, Rev. Bernard Keels, the Director of the Chapel admonished attendees concerning unity. In explaining to the excited young minds the truth of Jesus’ intention for His people, Rev. Keels mentioned that all Christians should “rise above a senseless sense of just being comfortable with those [you’re] comfortable with”. Those words and many others not only challenged the motive behind the associations that many Christians form with one another, but they also showed all those in attendance how to be the change that Jesus is waiting for in His body.

Towards the middle of the “True Worship” experience, Nonso Amuchie, a Biology Master’s student from Towson University, mounted the podium to, very much like Rev. Keels positively challenge the core of modern believers’ motives. Speaking on the subject “the heart of worship”, Mr. Amuchie explained that worship is beyond the music, dance, and instrumentals that many believers have come to adore above their God. In his very words, “we were created to reflect the glory of God” through a lifestyle of worship. Nonso went on to encourage all those present to worship God every moment of the day by studying His word [learning of Him] and praying [communing with Him]. Ending with words on the importance of having the strength to “produce” for God, Nonso Amuchie said to the hearing and delight of the diversity of students present, “if you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him”.

Of course, not much can be said about a program called “True Worship” without mentioning the intensity of worship that took place there. As though sinking into an ever-increasing depth of the ocean, Christians and unbelievers alike began to experience God personally as the group called “Heart of Worship” ministered in the fullness of God. Heart of Worship [the group] definitely did not bring in members from as far as Pennsylvania to perform a show. No, they came for sincere worship! And, as worship arose from the mouths of God’s people, the tangible presence of God was manifested for all to know [experience intimately]. Some people sang and danced in the spirit while others could not help pouring tears before their Savior and One True Love – Jesus Christ. Indeed, it was a marvelous sight to behold.

Many at the event also had the opportunity to worship through rap and spoken word led by Bdo and Aisha Woods respectively. Certainly, no life was left the same after the program. Let it be written in the chronicles of life that the children of God at Morgan State University came together with one voice and no division to offer a worthy sacrifice of “True Worship” to their Heavenly Father.

Please, share your experience at "True Worship" with the whole world so that the blessing can reach others as well. But, if you were not at the program, you can also share comments on the subject of worship. God bless you as you enjoy the following video.


  1. "...Certainly, no life was left the same after the program. Let it be written in the chronicles of life that the children of God at Morgan State University came together with one voice and no division to offer a worthy sacrifice of “True Worship” to their Heavenly Father."

    What an amazing experience it was and IS!
    Fully assured that the prophecies concerning this experience were fulfilled and are being fulfilled!

    God Bless You Bro, God Bless YOU ALL!

  2. Waow! True Worship, the much anticipated worship program. First of all, I am Blessed to be associated with such epoch making event on Morgan's Campus. Amidst several preparatory activities, I made up my mind to worship God like never before, because the Grace, the strength and focus to do so had been mightily doled out by the Spirit of God. This event has kick-started many awesome things to come on Morgan's campus; the unity of the body of Christ on Morgan's campus was sealed by the Holy Ghost that night. Division is now a thing of old. And waow, the message was so timely. I was so excited in my spirit when the minister, Nonso spoke those words 'Know who it is that you worship'; getting acquainted with God can definitely not be over stressed. When you get to know him, you can love him, then you can truely worship him.
    I certainly thank God for communicating his desire for us through Nonso that night. Not only do I know God, I am ever increasing in the knowledge of Him and to crown it all I love him even more. God's Power, Glory and Grace are the characteristics of my life. Glory to God.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the event on your blog. And also, Congratulations on your GRADUATION!!!

  3. St. Burnish!....WOW!..My brother...My brother..Judging by my dearest, bimbo,the worship event was a super success...Waow..We championing this Word...I`m proud to be associated with ur ministry and that of the entire Morgan State family...I want to also give u a major shout on ur grad!...I went through the posted pics on «fb and was super excited by the catchy moments that were so richly expressed.. U are a success!...and I love u from the bottom of my heart...I must add that im really sorry this is just coming in...but I trust that u will accept this with that same joy that constantly clouds ur spirit..U are blessed on every side! Harvest is here...


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